Municipal operating subsidy

Here you will find information about the subsidy scheme “municipal operating subsidy” as well as the application form for the scheme. For the sake of simplicity, when applying for a municipal operating subsidy, you will also automatically apply for local activity funds (LAM). Read more about LAM under “Subsidy schemes” -> “Local activity funds”.

DEADLINE municipal operating subsidy for teams affiliated to the Norwegian Sports Confederation – coordinated reporting: 30 April
On 6 October 2021, the committee for culture, sport and social dialogue adopted new guidelines for applications for municipal operating subsidies.

Decision: “The subsidy scheme for operating subsidies for sports teams is simplified in that sports teams now do not have to apply for the subsidy. The Sports Council obtains the necessary information from the Norwegian Sports Confederation’s reporting system. Random samples are taken when necessary.”

This change will come into force from and including 2022 and the Sports Council will then extract the necessary member information from coordinated reporting. Thus, all sports teams affiliated to NIF must report membership numbers by the deadline for coordinated reporting, which is 30 April. More information here:

Sports teams are also asked to upload annual accounts for the previous calendar year together with coordinated reporting.

The membership numbers will also be used when allocating Local Activity Funds

DEADLINE municipal operating grant for teams that are NOT affiliated with the Norwegian Sports Confederation: April 5 with the application link and criteria below.


The committee for culture, sport and social dialogue adopted on 01.12.2021 new age criteria for the scheme: “The committee for culture, sport and social dialogue decides that from 2022 onwards the allocation of
operating subsidy to apply to the age group 6 – 25 years “Municipal operating subsidy can therefore only be given to sports teams that run activities for children and young people from and including the year they turn 25. The application deadline is normally 5 April.

The grant is distributed as a percentage among the sports teams according to the teams’ membership numbers for members aged 6 to 25 years.

The municipal subsidy cannot exceed the sports club’s own share, i.e. the sum of paid membership fees and other membership fees booked in the sports club’s accounts.

Only paid, personally active memberships are counted.

Attachment to the application
In addition to the completed application on the prescribed form, the application for operating grant must be attached:

  1. Annual meeting notice
  2. Signed annual meeting minutes by two elected representatives from the annual meeting
  3. Signed annual meeting minutes by two elected representatives from the annual meeting
  4. Accounts as at 31.12 for the previous year signed by the board
  5. Annual report for the previous year signed by the board
  6. Member list, with name and date of birth as of 31.12 for the previous year (year of birth can also be accepted)


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